The next morning, we headed out of Coecles and travelled to Newport.

Along the way, we started to see more and more crab/lobster pots and I took a few shots of this boat that was clearly bringing in a catch. Ask me how I could tell!

Some winds were predicted overnight and into the next day, so we decided to grab a spot in a marina in Newport. We arrived early so that we would be able to spend the day in town. We headed first for the 3 mile cliff walk, where you pass a number of very large and impressive mansions overlooking the water.

The views were amazing and we had a lovely walk. While waiting for an Uber to pick us up, a free shuttle back to town pulled up to the parking lot at the end of the walk, so we hopped on board! Returning to town, we sat down for drinks in two different places and were rewarded with free 1/2 pint beer tasting tokens to a relatively new brewery in the area. With some time to kill before our dinner reservations, we decided to grab the scooters and head to the brewery for a taste. The beer was actually quite good and we returned to the boat with a growler!

With a very small weather break predicted in the morning, we decided to wake up early and poke our heads out into the sound. The water was actually much calmer than we expected and we made it all the way to a mooring at New Bedford. Unfortunately the rain started just as David finished work for the day and finished off our waning morale about going to shore to explore. The next day we travelled to Bourne, just on the west end of the Cape Cod Canal, and stayed on a free mooring there and had another night after work on the boat.

Yet another early morning travel day had us in Scituate on a mooring and we were able to get a launch ride into town for a lovely sushi dinner after work in the evening.

Our plans were to head to Boston for the 4th of July weekend where we would meet up with our Endeavour-owning friends Russ and Jax of InQuest. With good weather in the morning, we decided to do another early morning long hop (remember that we are slow-boating everywhere now to conserve fuel, so we are now doing a lot of 4-5 hour trips starting at 5 or 6 in the morning on weekdays) all the way to an anchorage near the islands in Boston harbour. We had heard from friends that we would be able to tie up our dinghy on the dock at Georges Island after hours (during the day it is for drop-off only) to visit Fort Warren. After David finished working we headed to explore.

Most of the fort was open for exploration and we essentially had the place to ourselves!

David had Friday off (though I didn't), so the next morning at a decent hour, we headed in to Boston to the marina where we had reservations and he ran some errands while I finished up the work day.