We arrived in Big Sky on Saturday afternoon only a little jet-lagged and hoping that David's curse would be lifted and that we'd see some new snow while we were there. Although we had planned to rest and recover from jet lag on Sunday, when we awoke, it was snowing and there had been several inches of new snow overnight, so we put on our ski gear and headed out for a fantastic day of skiing with friends, including Brent, Elizabeth, and Timur. Unfortunately Michelle had recently broken her ankle so was laid up at the house.

The next day was a beautiful bluebird day, which gave us some amazing views from Eric's gorgeous house.

Unplanned, David's "vacation" week had been filled with staffing meetings, and while I had not planned to take a full week off, I was hoping to be able to take a day or two off for some skiing, except my calendar was filling up as well! As it turned out, we did not get any new snow for the rest of the week, and we ended up working full days. However, we had lots of fun in the evenings, spending time with friends and playing games.

On Friday, it was time to head out of Montana and back to Florida where we would be able to finally see the result of the month of work being done on the boat. We knew that the situation was not good and that the boat would not be ready to go into the water until Monday at the earliest. After mulling over a couple of options, we decided to keep our Friday flights and booked the weekend in a hotel in Stuart. Since we wouldn't even be able to access the ship yard, we decided to organize an impromptu visit with Bethy and Alex in Orlando, so on Saturday morning, we rented a car and drove out to meet them. We went to Disney Springs for lunch - which is a Disney-ified outdoor mall and then spent a few hours wondering around.

We returned to Bethy's house for the afternoon to hang out, and then decided to grab some dinner before David and I drove back to Stuart. Unfortunately, when we went outside to start the rental car, the engine wouldn't turn on! Enterprise roadside assistance estimated 90 minutes, but Bethy's neighbourhood group came to the rescue and we were able to borrow jumper cables and get the car going. We had a lovely dinner and then returned to our motel in Stuart.

The next day, we walked down the street from the hotel to a brewery where we had some beers, lunch, and played a board game on the ipad. In the afternoon, we decided to go and see a movie - Uncharted - our first time being in a movie theatre in several years!! For dinner we went to Benihana and sat with a couple who had never done teppanyaki before!

Early Monday, David had a meeting scheduled with the General Manager at Hinckley, so we left the hotel, and braced ourselves for the ensuing nightmare - the story of which will constitute its own blog post!